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What’s on at the Unite Marquee?…

Come on down to the Unite Marquee over the weekend and you won’t be disappointed! From top quality, stylish giveaways, to helpful advice and information, we have some thought provoking debates as well as some real trade union ground-breaking firsts!

Unite proudly brings you a weekend which includes toe-tapping, glass raising, mind-changing events – all paying homage to the great Martyrs and which we hope you will enjoy very much.

Saturday 20 July 

11:15 – 12:30 Rural Women in Rebellion session – The battles, the victories
Featuring women’s stories of struggle against the odds

13:00 – 14:00 Bristol Bus Boycott Pioneer Interview
Featuring an interview with the Pioneers of the 1963 Bristol Bus Boycott including Joyce Morris-Wisdom with Lorraine Gibbs Regional Women’s Officer, Charm McFarlane Young Member, and the Southwest Regional BAEM Committee.

14:15 – 16:15 Migrant Workers – the truth and the celebration
Featuring Jersey Channel Islands workers, Chris Kaufman, Unite Migrant Construction workers, and Dave and Istvan our Drag Queens on Roma circle folk dance.

17:00 – 18:00 Live Music from FMI Clatters
From classic pop through comedy, and shanties, you’ll hear them all delivered in Nigel ‘Clatter’s’ Clatworthy inimitable style.

Sunday 21 July 

9:45 – 10:45 Social Security is a Trade Union Issue (workshop)
With Angela Duerden Unite the Union Executive Council member for women, Fran Heathcote General Secretary of PCS, and Paul Fleming General Secretary of Equity